Podcast about science in Luxembourg and beyond - in every episode we have a look at the latest scientific research and technological changes in Luxembourg or we discuss it with scientists or researchers working in Luxembourg. This is a podcast for people who love science, but aren't necessarily science graduates. We post a new episode every second week.
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Prof. Christoph Purschke (University of Luxembourg) - Luxembourgish and Computational Linguistics
Hanna Siemaszko
Season 3
Episode 4
Did you know we are witnessing the emergence of a new written standard language right in the middle of Europe? Yes, we obviously mean Luxembourgish! Listen to the latest episode of SciLux where we talk to Christoph Purschke from the University of Luxembourg about computational linguistics and Luxembourgish.
CuCo Lab - A transversal research lab for Cultural Data Science - https://cucolab.uni.lu/
Lingscape - Citizen Science: Take pictures of signs and share them with researchers - https://lingscape.uni.lu/
Schnëssen - Documenting Luxembourgish speech - https://infolux.uni.lu/schnessen/